Multiroom Video

Imagine having just a TV on the wall with no clutter and cables running in tangles to your Sky box, Amazon Fire, Blu Ray player and Apple TV. With Multiroom video distribution we can place all these sources, out of site and be able to watch them on every TV in the house. To top this off you will no longer require multiple remote controls for each device, as we commission one master remote to control all! This remote can even control your lights, CCTV and heating.

Video Distributions

  • Imagine having 6 TV’s in your home and wanting sky in all 6 locations, however you only watch a maximum of 2 at a time. Well with multi room video you can have just the 2 sky boxes located out of sight, and delivered to any 2 of the 6 tv’s at any time. This also applies to your Apple TV, Blu ray player and any other video sources. Over time this will save you money on less monthly subscriptions, and installation costs. This arrangement is so versatile it can even be applied to larger homes with up to 32 TV’s
  • If you have other smart home services within your home you can access these through your TV distribution on any TV. So if you have CCTV you can view playback via any screen, control you home lighting control system, and even see who’s at the front door using your smart door bell.
iphone lighting control

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